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Regular Meeting of March 26, 2014 at 7:30 pm
Council Chambers, Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

These Minutes are Subject to Approval by the Inland Wetlands Commission

Present:  Kristen Hammar, Anne Peters, Mary Curran and Sharon Salling; Not Present: John Davin;
Staff Present:  Steve Maguire, Land Use Enforcement Officer

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ms. Salling motioned to approve the minutes of February 12, 2014, which was seconded by Ms. Peters. The changes are as follows:  Under #14-01, 2nd sentence, change “… large rock to prevent …” to “… large rocks to prevent … “; Change “Kristin Hammer” to “Kristen Hammar”, and last paragraph on page one, 2nd sentence, change “… since 2001 …” to “… since 2006 …” The minutes were approved as amended.  



IW #14-01 188, 190 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Richard Keiser.  Application to correct IW Violation #12-05.  

Ms. Hammar read the application into the record.  Ms. Curran opened discussion and said that during a site walk, she noticed the area down by the wetlands looked good but there were some things still to be done.  Mr. Maguire said the upland and wetland seed mix and the trees still need to be planted as well as the boulders are to be placed across the drive.  

After discussion, Ms. Hammar motioned to approve the application with standard conditions B, C, E, O, P and
(1) The planting will take place in the spring, will be monitored for two growing seasons and replaced in that time if needed, and
(2) Plans are the Town of Newtown GIS map dated received February 12, 1014 with markings to show wildflower mix planting and six oak trees of 2” caliber and placement of boulders to block the drive.

Ms. Peters seconded the motion.  The motion was unanimously approved.

ACCEPTANCE OF NEW APPLICATIONS IW #14-03, Meadow Brook Road, Town of Newtown, Replacement of existing failing culvert.

OTHER BUSINESS – Ms. Peters asked Mr. Maguire for an update on the encroachment issue by Amaral Motors.  Mr. Maguire said he planned to touch base with Mr. Amaral in the spring to submit an application.  Work to be done includes pulling back material away from the stream, creating a demarcation barrier and placing a berm along the back.  

Ms. Salling said she was told there was an article in The Bee about DEEP regarding an impact on jurisdictional oversight on wetlands.  There was no additional information about this during the meeting.

ADJOURNMENT Ms. Hammar motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 pm.  Ms. Salling seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen